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Not for the faint...

Wow. Although I say that I desire a mate, I can’t imagine the difficulties a marriage must face those first few years… or maybe those first few months. I’ve often heard that the reality is much different than the expectation of something.

It’s funny how we ask God to bless us with things, that we have no clue of the reality of what we are asking for. Ever been in the audience where someone introduces their spouse and proceed to spek on the 35 years they’ve  been married, then notice how the crowd produces a massive applause… Although I was part of the ones who would applaud, I never really understood the depth of why I was clapping, outside of the fact that 35 years is a VERY long time to be with one person…

Although I am not married, for the past month I have grown to respect anyone who dares to enter into the institution of marriage. I see now that marriage is not for punks or for better words, the faint of heart. It’s not for those who so easily throw in the towel when things get tough or when a disagreement takes place. I would often think about my first argument with my spouse because I know how I tend to shut down when it comes to confrontation. I picture the worst. If we argue then that means that the marriage is over… Well of course it is… how does one come back to love again when being told true feelings the other has towards you, and it hurt… You can say whatever you’d like but don’t hurt my feelings in the process... I’m ready to go then.

I wonder what makes one stay married for 35 years or even past 1 year seeing the different shades of their spouse over the seasons?? Me, I’m terribly afraid of commitment because I’m terribly afraid of falling for someone and it not working out. So I give the piece of me that I want to give and hold back the piece of me I don’t think you could handle. I’m guessing, because I really don’t know that the hardest part is becoming vulnerable enough to give of yourself to another person. Allowing them the opportunity to hurt you, reject you, correct you, challenge you… Being open to the vulnerability to change even when it’s not easy. Being open to the vulnerability of knowing that someone still loves you and desires you, all the while seeing your flaws.

These flaws are something that we have learned to hide from the public eye. We’ve, well I’ve learned to show those around me what I wanted to show them. I would allow someone to get only so close to me to see what I presented, but not too close to see who I really am… afraid that if they came too close, they would reject the real me. So of course, I have trouble being in a relationship or better yet anything that calls for any type of commitment… staying when I don’t want to stay? Staying when I have the opportunity to leave when it gets too rough...  and you crazy… umm I’d rather not… I can do this on my own… (yea right)

I heard the other night, that as a generation we have come to the point to where we cannot go any further doing things on our own. We’ve come to a point to where we have to learn to be relational if we are desire to go to the next level or even if we desire to continue the tasks God has designed for our lives. God has called us to love Him with all of our heart and soul as well as love our neighbors as ourselves. For those like myself, this may be a difficult task to accomplish. For others it may be simple because they already walk in the gift. Not matter the difficulty, I know that it can be done.

I started off speaking on the difficulties of marriage because that’s where my mind is at this time, but of course this post can be used in many instances…

Thank you for reading. My prayer is that it touched you as it touched me! Please feel free to share this post or share an inspiring word! Remember you are the only you there is, so be good to YOU!


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