For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19
So this cold, wet morning after peeling myself out of my bed at 4am to show up for my 5am bootcamp many issues continued to press upon my heart. I knew I had to be honest with myself and with the Lord, and for some reason I knew that I had to make a change quick. The only reason I say quick is because it's one of those things that I already knew in my heart I needed to do. After bootcamp I continued with my normal routine and I said I would wait... I grabbed an old book from my bookshelf and headed out the door. During my commute to work, I turned my music down to where I could just barely hear it and began conversing with the Lord. The closer I got to work the more confident I was in changing my mind.
The thing about a changed mind is that it is so profound in many ways. A changed is such a powerful thing because of the affects that follows. Most times when someone changes their minds about something, it usually tends to be in a positive aspect. I can say that in my case, it may, well it will require some, well a lot of adjustments but I know that I desire to become a better me. The adjustments will not come over night but will definitely come over time. Some things will be more personal, then there are some things that may be personal, but I won't be able to do it on my own. Some things will require that I link up with other like minded people who are focusing on expounding on the next half of their lives.
Since we are approaching New Years, which of course calls for New Years Resolutions, I have desires to just do better or to start something new and exciting and really just launch a new me. I almost want to say the authentic me. The Jess underneath the layers I've allowed to clothe me over the last few years. I decided to search over a few new blogs that caught my interest, and even start on a new book that I feel that would help in this time. I chose to look over & simply because I've met these two beautiful young ladies and off bat, they inspired me to become a better me. This year has been a bit much and now I feel it’s time to “revamp” or “refresh” a few things. Maybe even take another look at what I have in my hands that I can still work with. The book I chose to read over is called “Attitude-inize” by Jan Coates. Over the past month I believe God has been dealing with me on my look towards myself and life. Please believe this area is in need of much healing and cleaning!!
I’m sharing, just in case there someone out here with a case of undiagnosed ADHD, like myself that feels we don’t know what the next step is… Just take some time to jot down a few things about yourself you would like to begin or even improve on. Besides seeking a new blog to follow and getting a new book to study, I started this morning by keeping my word to work out && deleting old flings numbers out of my phone. There’s no way that I can move forward by continuing to hold onto my past that until last night, I literally realized that part of me is dead… Please believe there’s more to come… I just hope this was encouragement to someone other than myself.
I'm not just looking forward to 2016, but finally I'm looking forward to today, and the next minute and the next hour. Taking things one day and one moment at a time. Lord be my guide!!
Thank you for reading. My prayer is that it touched you as it touched me! Please feel free to share this post or share an inspiring word! Remember you are the only you there is, so be good to YOU!
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