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Unbreak My Heart

Although I am writing about myself, I want for my readers to see themselves or someone in a similar situation. Not feel sorry for yourself or them, but to gain some clarity. This make take a moment to read, so kick back and get comfortable for a moment.

Right now I'm listening to Un-Break My Heart by Toni Braxton & have the nerve to have it on repeat. I actually really love old 90's hits. That's when real music was in. It’s around 5p so I’m writing in between stops in traffic. For probably the last few years I've been beating myself up over this simple yet burdensome stumbling block. Somewhere, sometime ago I lost confidence in myself. I couldn't understand it because although I knew people had an opinion about me, truthfully I didn't care. Like, literally someone could say something out of line to me & I wouldn't notice, because my mind more than likely was on something else anyhow. Somewhere along the way I began to care & I will say that's a time I begin to lose myself.

I tried hard to be this perfect person who I thought others would like or be receptive to & literally forgot how to be me, when in fact it was trying already. For the purpose of this blog I will focus on one point: Relationships. I hadn't had a "boyfriend" since my daughter was about 3 or 4 & she's now 11. After my last BF I decided to simply associate with guys with no strings attached. I could come and leave when I got ready & they could do so as well, & there was no problem whatsoever. That phase of my life lasted up until about 6 years ago.

I'd given my life to God and began developing a relationship in that area. This newfound relationship that I knew nothing of, consumed me so much. I can truly say that I've never felt more complete as a single person than at that time. I can still remember an old friend telling me he couldn't believe I wasn't with anyone; there was always some guy I was talking to. It was then that I actually realized that it had been a very long time since I was with anyone & it not bother me. I simply laughed & said “you know what, you're right”. Somewhere in the mix, things began to change. I started noticing that something was missing. So I began searching.

When I search for things or find that something is out of place, I search until it's found especially when it messes with my peace. I will either rush towards it or move far away from it. Little did I know though, is that my focus had been shifted. Almost like Peters focus was shifted when he walked on water & shortly afterwards began to sink when he took his eyes off of Jesus. In hindsight I can tell you I the eyes of my heart were taken off of Jesus. My heart began to long more for something that once satisfied me. I noticed that no one was checking for me anymore & I felt some type of way about that.

I started to go backwards to guys I dated before & no matter how much I would try, no one would fall for the bait. Relationships would last for maybe a month or so & suddenly fall away. Then I would sit and wonder for months, what happened & feel sorry for myself. Each time, I sought after this longing, the emptier I began to feel. I took their rejection towards me as something being wrong with me. So after months, I would either go back & try again, thinking it was a joke or I would meet someone new. Unfortunately, I wallowed in my self-pity so long that if anyone dared get close enough, they could smell the funky stench on me. I could no longer hide my insecurities, as I thought I had been before.

I began to ask God to change me so that I can be accepted again. Before any date, I would tell those close to me & get so excited like a little kid. They would offer advice, but they didn't know the depth of my insecurity. So I would go on a date & knew before it ended, this guy would not be calling me back. Oh the desperation was so real that I didn’t give them a chance to call me. I'd call or text them saying something short and sweet, hoping for a response. Before reaching out, I'd tell myself, “wait for them to call, if they want you they will call you”. Little did I know, I'd already pushed them away with my insecurities & thirst. I wondered, why didn't this one like me. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't they just stay a little longer & really get to know me? Why doesn't anyone like me? I would look at my face, body, hair, what I wore, what I didn't have or what I had & say it wasn't enough & get so disgusted with myself to say that I was ugly with no personality worth anyone staying around. The crazy part is that deep within me I knew none of it was true. My fear of rejection, someone leaving me, or being alone began to taunt me like none other. I began to cry at night because I couldn't shake this image of myself. I felt that things would always be like this & I would never have the freedom I longed for.

To be honest, I haven't overcome this thing. I am experiencing this pain right now as I type. I met yet another man. A beautiful, strong man who is tall, beautiful smile & a strong personality just like I like. Educated, working & holding his own. I never look for a man to see what he can do for me, but what he is able to do for himself, and he represented the image I held of a real man. We went for a drink last Friday and internally, I let my fear overwhelm me again, which of course projected in my actions and words. He ended by saying he had a meeting to attend at 7:30. To be honest I'm not sure if it was true or not. I've had evening meetings before so it could've been true, but of course I took that as rejection. I smiled, he walked me to my car & I rode off, with my racing thoughts. He's not interested in you. You don't have anything going for yourself & he does. What is he going to do with you? There's another beautiful, smart, talented woman out there that's better than you. Although I wanted a call back, I already said to myself, he wouldn't.

So on my way home today I thought about this as I have been for the last few days since our time together. At first I felt sorry for myself & begin to get angry & was just like, forget him & forget it all!! Just mad at the world. In reality, I wasn't mad at him or anyone else. I was upset that what I expected did and did not come true. Even in our ignorance, hurt, anger & frustration, God still hears us and His plan still stays the same. This morning I woke up with the same funky attitude, ready to just get the day over so I can come back home & go to sleep until I felt better again. At least when I'm asleep, I don't have to think. So on my way home, I began to think, there comes a point in life where we have to realize something is taking place out of our control. We have to be ok with saying no. No matter how hard we want to say yes, for our sake & others, we have to be bold enough, trust God enough to say no.

I've heard that when you fall off of a horse, you have to hurry up & get back on it again or you will be afraid for good and never ride again. So to defy this myth, we try again & again & again. Not knowing that there may be something else at work that is preventing us from getting up there and staying on & riding as you should.

There could be many of reasons. We normally like to think there is something wrong with us as an individual; that is far from the truth. My dad once told me, that you hadn't always been here so you know there's an expiration date for it to pass. Learning to say no even when you want to say yes, can save you much trouble. Sometimes saying no is so difficult because I'm afraid it won't come back or come again. What if I miss out on something I wanted so bad, all because I was afraid to let love in? Somewhere my desire for a mate & the lack of having one, has me believing that I am incomplete if he doesn't come.

So I wait on the sideline, for another bus to come; if it decides to stop at all. I've given this thing so much power. I have to ask myself, what am I going to do once he comes? If he came today, he would find me wallowing in my self-pity, feeling sorry for myself, secretly waiting for him to come so that I can be whole. All the while I am sitting here thinking of a time in the future that I don't even know if I'll be alive or not. I'm worrying about the cares of tomorrow & neglecting the time that I have right now. To be honest, I'm not sure what's to come. Not sure if he's interested or not but I do know that I have to get up. It’s beginning to stink really bad down here where I am. The only thing that I'm praying for is a changed mind & for the eyes of my heart be set back on Jesus. It scares me to even say that because, I'm not sure if I'll ever be fully satisfied with Jesus alone & truly be ok if I don't have the pleasure of sharing my beautiful, quirky self with some handsome & loving man & building a life and family together.

The reason I'm sharing this is not to tell my business, because some will disagree with me putting myself out there like this. I'm posting this because I watch my timelines on the large world of social media & I see the things on the young girls and older women hearts. Every other post is about a man & singleness with a headline saying something like, "I haven't found anyone yet because the one who good enough for me isn't there yet" or "until God sees fit for me to be with the right one he has for me, I'll be happily single" all the while pretending they are ok, when in reality they are not satisfied with life as is. Our hearts desire is to have a mate, because there is nothing like loving someone who loves you back & being with that person who just gets you without any reasoning. I won't suggest what to do, or how to do it but I want the Holy Spirit to minister to you & mein this very moment, while our hearts are open. I really do love me & I love you!


Thank you for reading. My prayer is that it touched you as it touched me! Please feel free to share this post or share an inspiring word! Remember you are the only you there is, so be good to YOU!


  1. Wonderfully written Jessica. As I was reading your article, I couldn't help but to go back in my mind to a day were I too had this sane story being written in my heart. Didn't feel attractive, desired or even believe in myself. Despite the fact that all of my life I had been loved and favored by many. There was nothing that I could really say that I wanted in life that really mattered. I, for many years walked with a confidence that what belongs to me will find me. I never had a problem, when I felt this way, with attracting someone in my life. Later I realized that it was a principle to attraction. It was only until the Lord started drawing me to Himself that I became unattractive to others, or better yet, they couldn't find me. You see God was listening to my hearts desire to give my heart to someone that would be willing to do the very same thing.

    With my prayer request, I noticed that God answered by shutting doors. You see he shut doors to all the wrong while He began to prepare my heart for that special one that would be just right for me because he too was looking for me.

    While we both were hidden we would often see a glimpse of one another in our dreams. The more I tried to come out and find him, because I knew that he had to be real, the more God would hide him. It was only until I continued to visit Him in God's word that one day at the appointed time he would make himself known. You see he too was visiting me in his dreams. In this place we learned how to treat one another, how to cover and serve one another. I noticed that the closer it came to the day of our meeting, the more we prepared ourselves for one another. We both would come back to visit this place called "hope" quite often until one day that he was confident that that's her....the one that I've been visiting in my prayers. The one that I get to talk to in my heart very often. The one that soothes my pain. The one that speaks to the little boy within me. The one that knows just the right words to say at the right time. Yes that's her! I know her from any other voice. Then and then only will He ask God to bring her to me, I'm ready to make her my wife.

    You see, the day will come, if you will dare to go back to that little girl that trust and not worry, you'll find out that God had a master plan all along. It's at that time, when your back in place of being carefree because God never fails that you will realize that the delay of him coming was that he's been searching for that special someone in that secret place but when you stop believing, you stopped showing up.

    He's calling you, he's sees you in his dreams. Stat in place so that when he lays eyes on you he's going to know quickly...that's her and she's more beautiful that I ever imagined.

    God always has a fairy tail ending. He writes the best short tells stories ever written. Watch Him come through everytime.

    You see, I too had to start showing up to my dreams again and become carefree once again so that my hearts desire could find me.

    It was worth the wait!

  2. Thank you Jessica for sharing. I definitely enjoyed this story and can identify in many ways. God has a plan and he's working it out for our good.

  3. What a mighty word of encouragement! Much needed at the right time. God is calling for realness, a closer walk with him and a better relationship with HIM!!! Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt 6:33 ☺ Be very much encourage and know all is well. God would never put more on us than we can bear(1cor 10:13), God knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb (Jeremiah1:5) , God knows everything about us -even how many strands of hair we have on our heads( Matt10:30). I love you and this was very inspirational😙

    1. Thank you Chatonia for those confirming words. Thank you for remining me to take all thoughts back to what His word says because that's what really matters.


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