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Not So Easy...

I thought this would be easier to get through. Unfortunately it’s not as easy as I thought. This weekend I said aloud that I’d give myself the entire weekend to get over it and not to visit the thoughts again. Here we are, Monday afternoon and the mere thought has me at the brim of my lowest…
I have to ask myself, was there a time that you told me to let go and I didn’t? I can say that I tried… Honestly I did try. I made myself believe that we could just be friends and keep it at that, yet I knew underlying there was always something there. Something that both of us were afraid to act on… so we sought out hardest to look for the slightest of clues to move forward... Is this something or what did that mean? This was the question that nipped at our heels unbeknownst to each other. So we waited. I waited. I said I was moving forward, but still I waited for him to look at me and tell me, “Jessica, I want to try again”. I would’ve dropped everything in my hand just to take his hand. I waited to hear those words or similar. I even let my mind play on me for a minute, which placed an even deeper wedge in between us, which ultimately brought us to this point.
My worst fear was him leaving… me seeing him in the arms of another… seeing that beautiful smile that shined bright from his heart, reaching his eyes making them dance a joyful dance. The smile, I’d hoped to share with him, only to see him share it with someone else. Why does it hurt so bad? I’m not quite sure other than the fact that I feel I played myself, running after someone thinking there was something there rather than focusing on what was right in front of me all along. Is it that or were the events that occurred inevitable. My feelings are so mixed right now. Why is what I’m seeing on the inside, not lining up with what’s taking place on the outside? Why is the evidence happening exactly how I expected but the feelings nor time lining up… I guess, I didn’t know how it would feel.
It’s a strange feeling. Relief mixed with sadness. Joy mixed with now what. He found his love & I’m here… is it selfish for me to say… I did it now I want my reward. I actually sat still and waited. As hard as it was, I let go because secretly I wanted a fresh slate. But the end result doesn’t seem like anything I’d expected. Funny, I think I may be right where I need to be; finally at my zero. I did something hoping for a different result that I sure hadn’t seen take place. Even in his moment, I’m having to be still… if only we could press fast forward or even rewind, just to be sure I heard you right the 1st time… but the only thing I keep hearing is be still… nothing else.. be still. I learned this weekend that being still, as simple as it may be is one of the hardest things to do. You mean be still and do nothing? I will be still & look up, look forward. I know there's more to this story...
Lord, I love you.

Thank you for reading. My prayer is that it touched you as it touched me! Please feel free to share this post or share an inspiring word! Remember you are the only you there is, so be good to YOU!


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