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Change Takes Some Time...

This morning on the way to drop Jordan off at school, she was like can you turn on some music... So I was like yea, but we need to start listening to some better tunes, like gospel or something more uplifting. So she said, well put on that Happy song, and I was like good choice. I played Wanna Be Happy by Kirk Franklin all the way to work and allowed it to minister to my spirit. What a perfect song it was for me this morning after what I would call a small devotion.
What a freeing feeling I had this morning. So over the past few days I’ve gotten determined that I must make a change, like foreal. I began reading the book Attitudinize and I also chose another book from my shelf called So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore. I’ve had this book for about a year now… well I just looked at the receipt and it’s been over a year. Anywho, when I bought the book I bought it with about 4 other books. Some women buy shoes and purses, I buy food, journals and books; lots of them. So after I bought the book, I read just a little bit of it and put it down. I was in the middle of finishing the semester and I said I’d come back to it later. Well later is here now, and it’s hard for me to put it down. Like this morning shortly after I opened my eyes, I grabbed the book and began to read.

She began to break down a few definitions of insecurity and when I tell you I could identify with most of them, I was like no wonder… It was like one of Oprah’s “ah haa” moments. Like the light bulb went off and I bolted up in bed and begin to dig deeper… I began to notice that some insecurities if deep enough can cause you to self-sabotage any good thing that comes your way. It’s like you do it unconsciously. So no matter what comes, in your mind things are already set to be a certain way, so it will eventually have the same outcome as the last. We wonder why things continue to happen over and over. I know for me, it was like, hold on now what in the world is going on? I’m not sure that it has anything to do with it not being the right timing but as my mom would say… girl who is the common denominator? So when I read this I began to think about change.

I love the illustration Bishop Jakes gave in his sermon titled: when the teacher has to go back to school. He broke down the fall of man and all the steps God had to take in order to redeem us so that we may have fellowship with Him again. Jesus’ life, death, burial and resurrection was all a messy situation, from time He was conceived by the Holy Spirit even now. In order for lasting change to take place some things have to be shaken up. I can’t imagine a better way or another way God could have bought us back from the snare of Satan. He chose to do it through His son Jesus Christ and I’m so glad because it’s something about the blood of Jesus. I also began to think of David and Goliath. Goliath came into this place day in and out, literally terrifying God’s people. He made them forget who they were because of his size and intimidation tactics. David was like hold on, my God is the creator of all and you are nothing compared to Him. Who does this dude think he is? I know this fight seems fixed from looking on the outside but I’m coming to you not in my own strength but in the strength of my Lord. David knocked Goliath to the ground with his faith and then cut his head off to show the strength of the Lord for all to see.

These two illustrations made me think about the giant called Insecurity and it’s many cousins and relatives that I’ve given into that has caused me to have such a negative outlook on life. The funny thing is, if you’ve been reading my blogs over time, you will notice that I’ve had an issue with men in my life. It was like I just could not get this thing right. I always thought it was them… then I started to realize girl something else is up. It wasn’t until I met someone recently, I had to be honest and tell him that what is going on with me has nothing to do with you and there is nothing that “you” can do to help me. This is an issue that I will have to dig within and allow God to heal. It's funny though that God is using him and also my past experiences to produce a change in me. Well not so funny, but you understand.

When I tell you this process is not easy… it is not for one bit. The other day I went somewhere and most times I get in and get out. All out of fear of not knowing anyone and just fear of interacting with others. I promise as I sat there and became uncomfortable, I shifted in my seat and as I was about to leave I heard in my spirit, just be still and stay put. I know that being around others you don’t know is uncomfortable and you would feel better if you just had one main point of contact, but this time just be still. I sat there too until the end, not knowing that as I was teaching my daughter to get out of her comfort zone, God was also teaching me to get out of my comfort zone. This is one thing that I love about God. He knows us, His children, and He knows just what we need and just how to give it to us… but the catch is, we have to let Him do it and not grieve the Holy Spirit working in us.

I know that a change is taking place. I know that God is truly working on me. I know that there are things within me that is deep rooted. One thing for sure is that I want it to happen. I want to get in there and dig this mess up. There will be residue, and I will not have it all together over night or even in a years time or maybe even in my life time. One thing I do desire though is to stand up. Stand on His word and continue to allow God to work through me, as ashamed as I am and as broken as I am. I desire for God’s love to change me. Not a book, not a situation, not a person, no some profound moment, none of that, but I want a change that will last and produce a harvest that I can give no other credit to anyone but Him. His love is what I desire. His love is what I want to daily become more and more aware of. I know that His love as I begin to receive it, I will look more like Him and I will be able to give more like Him.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. Hebrews 12:11-13

Thank you for reading. My prayer is that it touched you as it touched me! Please feel free to share this post or share an inspiring word! Remember you are the only you there is, so be good to YOU!


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