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Get In Position...

Earlier today, as I was coming back from my lunch break, I believe I received a Word...

Whatever breakthrough is coming, is going to be real; real big! I just thought to myself that I can't see anything else that could come out of this! Lately I’ve been in a place that has caused much discouragement and it tells me that this is how it will be... At this moment though something happened... You know how it is when you snap, or when you come to yourself and you get real still… it’s something that happens all of a sudden, and if not paying attention, you wouldn't notice it... but you stop and realize, something else is taking place! It’s not what’s happening, such as your spouse, boss, or kids acting up, finances being out of whack, emotions out of whack, people leaving or coming… it’s not what’s seen but it’s something taking place on another level that we cannot see. Things are being shaken, tossed and turned, and just moved all around.

I am reminded of a sermon spoken at TPH a month or two ago, about tossing your anchor over. The guest pastor showed a clip of a movie where the men were in a boat in the middle of the sea and the winds had grown so dangerous. They had done everything they could do to lighten the boat in order to get it stabilized... They knew if there was any chance of survival, they had no other choice but to drop their anchor. When they dropped the anchor, the winds didn’t stop, actually the storm continued. One thing though, the boat was stabilized.

There is a greater one that we have in each of us and that is Jesus Christ. No other name greater! I just thought to myself though that there is something else going on and I am in the middle. Not only is this taking place with me, but I've noticed on FB here recently that others are experiencing their own storms... I noticed that others were experiencing things out of their control and I heard the cries; I heard my cry! We are crying for some relief. Not only for relief but for release. It seems that the enemy has wrecked havoc in our lives and more than likely has! But one thing for sure is that we have one that is greater inside of us and we have to tap in and go deeper under His shelter! We must tap in…

One thing regarding tapping in, I pictured Bishop at one of the WTAL conferences. I think it was the one where, he was speaking of birthing and he'd actually gotten in the birthing position and everything... I think Dr. Jazz may have been speaking the same subject also... But it was really about getting in actual position to birth the baby. I've noticed that the message of birthing has been in the WTAL messages for the last few years! Although I've heard this over and over, I am just now seeing that we actually have to get in position when birthing, just as if we are laying on the delivery bed in the hospital.

When you are preparing to get to that moment or delivery, you are lying on your back, experiencing excruciating pain due to your cervix contracting (widening). You feel this pain in your lower abdomen right… So we all know when your stomach or tooth is hurting, you feel it ALL over… labor pain though, is felt in your stomach, your back, your legs go numb and you almost become delirious because of this pain… The pain is coming and you have no way to stop it except to have the baby. You have to allow the baby to get to the place where it’s in the right position and can safely come out! How long the labor will take, we don’t know… What we do know is that in that last hour, those last few moments, you MUST be still and wait. This is a very agitating time because you know what’s coming and you are ready to experience the joys it will bring, but the pain is something you would rather do without.

I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter, I went to Houston for a family gathering… I remember I was in my cousin's Red room just hanging out and my uncle Robbie had come where I was… He asked me was I ready to have the baby… I don’t know what went over me or where I had been in my thought process during the pregnancy, but at that moment when he asked the question, I then realized that I actually had to have her. For a split second, I literally entertained the thought that I would just stay pregnant and I wouldn’t have the baby. I entertained this thought for a minute, because I had become very afraid because I saw all the delivery shows on TLC right! That seemed just a little too much for me! At that moment all the excitement, anticipation, joy all that went out the door… I guess I didn’t know that I would have to deliver her… This was my first pregnancy and I’d never experienced this except for what I saw on T.V.

In this case, where I am now, I have no idea what "baby" I'm about to give birth to. What I did just realize, is that I must be still for just a moment; while I get ready to birth this 12lb baby vaginally! My prayer is that I get in the place where the midwives are in place and I in place where when this baby comes out, it will be a successful delivery. No longer am I worried about the pain, I want the baby out! I pray that I not lose hope in the process, but get lower and trust that my Master has the master plan!


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