Dear Secret Keeper, Thank you. Right now, I’m listening to artist Lauryn Hill album, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill where the song Zion is playing right now… It’s so dope. I was reminded from a movie I’d watched years ago ‘Disappearing Acts’ where Zora compared herself to Lauryn Hill getting pregnant at a late age, in the height of her career, ensuring her producer she would be ok. I’ve heard this song before, but now I understand that this is her song to her unborn child. What a beautiful song it is. Listening to this song and even thinking back to a girl at camp the other night, awing over her 1 year old son is very warming to my heart... I read a post somewhere, you can tell the character of a woman by the way she treats her children; I’d dare to add, people in general. The way a woman treats her children & others are a direct reflection of how she sees herself… I remember when I found out I was pregnant with Jordan. At the young age of 16, I remember the feeling I f...
My words. My thoughts. Be Encouraged. Enjoy...