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Dear Secret Keeper...

Dear Secret Keeper,

I am coming to you probably like I’ve never come to you before. I would like a new chance to start again. If not to start again, I would like to move forward from where I am now. For so long I’ve had my focus on so many things I felt I wanted… some for my benefit and some just because. Either way, I know that I’m not where I want to be in life. I’ve made many strides but none that speaks to the heart of who I am. Then again, you’ve blessed me so well, I’ve missed you in the opportunities presented, leaving me constantly grasping for more to make the most of the “next” opportunity. You have blessed me so well over the years, but I’ve overlooked them seeking more, trying to fill a void that I created because of my lack of this or that. All the while in my ungratefulness you continued to bless me. You continued to fill my cup to overflowing. Even now, my cup looks empty yet it’s still overflowing… or is it just stopped up at the moment? This is what I mean by I would like a new chance to start again in this moment, in this mindset, under this anointing.. I regret not seeing you in the circumstances. I regret the things you’ve blessed me with. Father, I’m not saying that if you send it back, I’ll do 100% better, what I am saying is that I need another chance to move forward. Open my heart again. I want to take the time necessary to heal. I know that I desire a man in my life but Lord, I have no idea how to treat the man I’m desiring. I’m used to him doing all the giving and me judging whether it’s good enough or not. Lord create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit. I’ve been desiring to change things around me, when all the while, things have been changing me. I thought you were hurting me. I thought you were neglecting me. Not so, you were perfecting me.  

Thank you for reading. My prayer is that it touched you as it touched me! Please feel free to share this post or share an inspiring word! Remember you are the only you there is, so be good to YOU!


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