Let me introduce you to a recent conversation between myself and another young man...
"So say that you were an option and I were to choose you, what
value would you add to me? What value would you bring to the table? Well let me put it like this. Say that you were
a piece in a furniture store, where would I find you?"...
This conversation took place during a time where I had
been introduced to a new guy in town. He was considered to be a good catch. We
met, obviously saw something in one another because we continued to
communicate. My oh my, what an excellent communicator he was. I enjoyed being in his presence. I enjoyed talking on the
phone with him. I enjoyed the simple texts from him. It was good… for a while.
During our time of talking in our first real, long conversation (you know that one) he asked me the questions I opened up with. My
immediate response to him was I’m not sure what I would bring to the table, we would
actually have to be around each other more for you to find that out and to see
what value I would add to you. If you were to locate me in a furniture store, I
explained that I would be a piece you would have to search hard for. I would
probably be located in a corner, carefully tucked away, not easily seen by the
naked eye.
During that conversation, I was unable to verbally express to him what I felt my worth was. I
was unable to tell him at the time, that although you may find it hard to see me
as much right now or my worth may not be as visible to you that you think it should be, I really am worth every
penny, conversation and time you would spend on and with me. Me being me, I was unable
to tell him this. My only response, was you must be around me in order to know
my worth. You won’t find my worth in a text, phone call, or anything like that… This question kinda baffled me and it left me a little confused. After a few more conversations, the relationship soon dwindled. But his questions stayed in my mind.
So often we find ourselves in this same predicament. We place our
hearts in someone else’s hand who does not know a good thing when they see it.
There are also time when we place our heart in someone's hand hoping that they can tell us who we are. Hoping that they will be able to tell you your worth. Unfortunately when we do that, we set ourselves up for failure each time. He saw me for where I was at that moment, not for who I am as a person. He
studied me, to see if he could find any traces of any previous woman he was with who let him down, in me. So here I am
auditioning for a role I never signed up to play. I was auditioning for a role in
his life to replace everything she took for granted or did not provide for him. So you can imagine that mine and his emotions were someone similar to a rollercoaster.
I turned into a puppet, and allowed him to become my master and allowed for my strings to be yanked and tugged at, all
because I wanted to fit in his role. Oh the thirst was real. I thought if I could only just prove to
him that I am worth something and that I do have value that I would no longer be just an option and that he would then choose
me. He would forget about the others and see that I am a better catch. Oh, the
desperation was too real. Then after days of trying to figure out why things were turning South and how I could get things to look up again, I thought about something. I thought back to an initial conversation we had and that one word he referred to me as came back to mind.
Option… I began to think, Option?? I don’t think that I’m an option to anyone.
Then too I began to think that, I also think that until he comes to his senses that I will no longer be
an available “option” to him.
You see, people are able to talk to you or treat
you any type of way, because you don’t know who you are. Because you don't know your worth. You don't know the value that is placed on your life. You don't know that YOU were actually bought with a price... an extremely high price at that. This happens all the
time whether we know it or not. So many people are in relationships, positions or places in life all because
they are not or were not aware of their worth. So often, we tend to settle for whoever
will have us or whoever will accept us and we become stuck, unsatisfied and unfulfilled in life. So we're always on a continual search. If not careful, we can become very desperate.
This is a battle that I struggle with
on a daily basis; knowing my worth. My worth is not based on the amount of
money I have in the bank. My worth is not based on the amount of friends I
have or how may people like me. My worth is not based on my house, car, clothes, title or any other
material or earthly thing that I possess. I once thought so. Those things are all man made, and will
perish. I’m learning that my worth is based on what my Father in Heaven says.
He says that I am blessed in my coming and going. He says that when He created
me, “It is Good”. He says that I am wonderfully and marvelously made. He said
that I am of a royal priesthood. He said that I am the head and not the tail. He
says that I am the apple of his eye. He says that I am his Beloved.
Right now, I am
practicing meditating on what He says about me. This helps me, one, think of
myself how he thinks about me and two, be able to recognize a lie when it
comes my way. Therefore I may block that lie at the gate and not allow it
entrance into my mind and eventually into my heart. So I say that I’m so sorry that he missed out
on a good thing because neither of us were able to see my worth. I know that I
am coming into seeing my worth more fully. I also want you to see your worth more fully. Not through what
we’re taught thru mainstream media, but thru the word of God. His Word never fails
and His word is unable to lie. His word always yields good fruit. Know your
worth. You are worth more than what the world told you or the lies you believe
for whatever the reason.
I’m so excited to see myself and you free from the
price tag others have placed on us. We’ll step on the scene knowing our worth.
Then we can really say to ourselves when we look in the mirrors in the morning,
I WOKE UP LIKE THIS!! Girl you are worth it!! (snap, snap)
Take a look at Ephesians 1:18-19 and ask God for understanding.
Love you girl,
Thank you all for taking time the time to read. As always to you and yours be blessed