Have you ever found yourself holding onto something that was no longer there... only you never realized it until now? This is me right now, and this letter was written in my personal journal and spoken aloud from my mouth. I am sharing this to others who may be experiencing something somewhat the same. Just simply replace my words and thoughts as your own. I love you and be blessed. Ever since Jordan was born or back up, was learned of to be expected, I placed my value in your hands. Depending upon whether or not you accepted & chose me or not. I wanted so long for you to choose me & eventually your daughter. To have & to hold & to cherish in that special place in your heart. Over & over you didn't choose me nor her. I placed my value as a woman & as a mother in your hands & even as a possible mate in your hands unknowingly. I thought that if only this or that, he would choose us. 12 years in the game, that day never came. The ties I have with yo...
My words. My thoughts. Be Encouraged. Enjoy...