A part of you desires to stay the same because it's familiar. Yet the frustration has been the only thing consistent in your life for a while. My friend, it's not easy to kick against the pricks. When destiny is calling you higher everything in you is ready, prepared, in motion to move forward... just as a woman going into labor. Once it begins, her body is already positioned to push that baby outside of her. No matter how hard she may try, she can't keep it inside of her. Life is the same. When destiny calls, everything is in position to propel you forward but constant resistance will cause you more harm than anything. So, I’m writing today to say, it's OK to move forward. Move forward into that unfamiliar territory. To that place where no one looks like you or where you’ve come from for that matter. That's the only way you are going to grow into the woman or man you are called to be. You can’t pour new wine into old wine skin. There is so much waiting for an on y...
My words. My thoughts. Be Encouraged. Enjoy...